Privacy Promise


Sunset at the Palms is committed to safeguarding your privacy while visiting our website, Our goal is to provide you with experience that delivers the information, resources and services that are most helpful to your vacation planning. To achieve this goal, the Site gathers certain types of information about Site users. Because we understand that your privacy is important, we wish to explain the types of information we gather and the way in which we use it.

This Privacy Promise covers two types of information gathered at the Site, personal and aggregated. The term “personal information” refers to data you voluntarily provide in connection with use of the Site that identifies you. Personal information includes data submitted in connection with our services such as your name, e-mail address, phone number, company affiliation, physical address and/or certain other personal information.
The term “aggregated data” refers to general information regarding all visitors and users of the Site relating to use of the Site. This information includes traffic patterns, number of visits to certain pages, visits from other web sites or to third-party web sites linked to the Site, use of services and interest in services, information or features of the Site or other parties made available through or found at the Site.


• Help us create content that is relevant to our visitors
• Improve our website and social media pages and ensure that content on these is presented in the most effective manner for you
• Provide you with information, products or services that you request from us or which we feel may interest you
• Help us understand general trends and patterns relating to our business;
• Provide for the safety and security of our guests
• Manage general record keeping
• Enable us to compile anonymous, aggregated statistics that allow us to understand how users use our websites and to help us improve the structure of our websites
• Enable you to make reservations and payments
• Meet any legal and/or regulatory requirements
• Provide the products or services you request from us
• Improve our products and services and to ensure our products and services are of interest to you

When we obtain information from you via a request about our product or serviced, participation in a promotion or subscription to our email or postal lists, we will use this information only for the purpose specified on the form. All forms will provide an opt-out option to allow you to choose not to participate in Sunset at the Palms lists. Please note that part of our promise is that we do not sell, rent or share any of your personal information with any other party, including any third-party joint promoters, nor use it for unapproved commercial purposes. You may request to be removed from our lists at any time. All emails to our lists will contain easy facility to unsubscribe.

Marketing and guest profiling is managed solely by Sunset at the Palms. Your decision to provide your information for such purposes is optional and will have no consequence on your ability to stay with us or benefit from the requested service. All purposes concerning your booking, your stay and to provide you with the services you have requested, is managed by Sunset at the Palms.


Sunset at the Palms monitors aggregated data for marketing purposes and to study, improve and promote use of the site. In connection with such purposes, Sunset at the Palms may share aggregated data with third parties collectively and in an anonymous way. At no time is personal information about individual Site users revealed.

Facebook Custom Audience: Allows Sunset at the Palms to create an audience using data held by Facebook to deliver interest-based advertising. Facebook privacy policy here:

Google Adwords: Google Adwords collects anonymous information on users of the Site through to conversion to enable tracking of marketing. The technologies utilized allow Adwords to collect this information entirely anonymously. Privacy policy can be found here

Google Analytics: Monitors usage of site (using non-personally identifiable data). Privacy policy available at


Sunset at the Palms has the following exceptions to these limits on use of personal information:
(1) Sunset at the Palms may monitor and, when we believe in good faith that disclosure is required, disclose information to protect the security, property, assets and/or rights of Sunset at the Palms from unauthorized use, or misuse, of the Site or anything found on the Site.
(2) Sunset at the Palms may disclose information when required by law, however, only to the extent necessary and in a manner that seeks to maintain the privacy of the individual.


To enable features at the Site, Sunset at the Palms may assign one or more “cookies” to your Internet browser. Cookies, among other things, speed navigation through our Site, keep track of information so that you do not have to re-enter it each time you visit our Site and may provide you with customized content. A cookie is an Internet mechanism composed of a small text file which lets the web server know if you have previously visited the site. Cookies by themselves cannot be applied to find out the identity of any user. We use cookies to collect and maintain aggregated data (such as the number of visitors) to help us see which areas are most popular with our users and improve and update the content on our site. While in the process of browsing our site, you also provide us with information that doesn’t reveal your personal identity — what type of destination you’re exploring, for example. We utilize this aggregated data only as explained in this Privacy Promise. We do not connect aggregated data to any name, address or other identifying information. Information collected by cookies may include date and time, originating IP address, domain name, type of browser, URL of the referring page, object requested, completion status of the request, geographic location and language preferences.


Sunset at the Palms may provide links to a number of other web sites that we believe might offer additional information for our guests. However, those sites may not follow the same privacy policies as we do. Therefore, we are not responsible for the privacy policies or the actions of any third parties, including without limitation, any web site owners whose sites may be reached through this Site, nor can we control the activities of those web sites. We urge you to contact the relevant parties controlling these sites or accessing their on-line policies for the relevant information about their data collection practices before submitting any personal information or other sensitive data.
Your Consent to this Privacy Promise
Use of the Site signifies your consent, to this on-line Privacy Promise, including the collection and use of information by Sunset at the Palms as described in this statement and also signifies agreement to the terms of use for the Site. Continued access and use of the Site without acceptance of the terms of this Privacy Policy relieves Sunset at the Palms from responsibility to the user.
Information You Provide

We will collect, store and process information about you if you voluntarily provide us with such information in connection with the following:

• Filling in a form on our website
• Filling in a physical registration card;
• Contacting us by telephone or face to face (e.g., in the context of making a reservation);
• Sending us a letter, e-mail or social media message;
• Subscribing to receive a service from us (e.g., a newsletter, blog or by following us on social media);
• Requesting promotional information from us (e.g., information about any of our offers or services)
• Participating in a survey, competition or prize draw; or
• Contributing content to us (e.g., for display on blog or social media channels).
The types of information we may obtain include:
• Your name, gender, home and work contact details, business title, e-mail address, telephone number, date and place of birth, nationality;
• Details of food allergies/dietary requirements and special requests made
• Passport and visa information, payment information, travel history and details of joint travellers;
• Dates of your stay or travel with us and associated charges;
• Purchase or delivery of products or services;
• Reviews and opinions about our brands, products and services;
• Information we receive about you from any third parties through whom you have booked your arrangements

We do not collect “sensitive information” (e.g., information on racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religion or other beliefs, health, criminal background or trade union membership) unless it is volunteered by you.


We maintain administrative, technical and physical safeguards designed to protect the information you provide against accidental, unlawful or unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, access, disclosure or use. Services providers and contractors who might have access to your information to provide services on our behalf will be contractually obliged to keep such information in confidence, provide adequate data security measures, and may not use that data for any other purpose.

Sunset at the Palms reserves the right to change this Privacy Promise at any time; notice of changes will be published on this page. Changes will always be prospective, not retroactive.